
mineral paintings



These fantastic mineral paintings by Carly Waito completely blow my mind. When I first caught a glimpse of them on the all around fantastic blog Unruly Things I seriously thought I was looking a mineral photographs that's how amazing these paintings are. I want them... and I wish I could paint this well. Thats it. 

Secondly I would like to point out that I've been a bit absent lately. My world got a little crazy these past few days but hopefully all will calm down soon. Yeah like that's likely to happen. One can dream though. 


Seriously, let's go make some magic today.


where I'd like to live

photo source: unknown

This is fantastic. Who doesn't love this picture because I am seriously dying over it? As I've mentioned in the past I love water, reason why I love this number one. Reason two, fantastic historic homes. Reason three, killer plants and trees (do you see all those colors, remnant of fall no? 19 days away in case you're wondering). Reason four, fantastic historic homes with killer plants and trees and its all on the water! Could it get any better? I think not. 


the next 20 days


There's only twenty days left of summer. I'm sure going to miss those hot summer nights and the warm weather but with the start of September comes the start of fall and I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Gray misty days. The smell of a campfire floating somewhere off in the distance, invisible and illusive. The sharp, crisp air that feels intoxicating even as it bites at your skin. The brilliant colors that arrive in such a rush to blanket the earth for a short while before the cold vacant winter arrives. 

However the thing I love most about fall (besides the fact that it's my favorite season, in case you hadn't guessed) is the magic that it brings. There are hidden bits of magic everywhere (as long as you seek them out) but somehow they always seem more visible in the later months. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I've just got a thing for magic

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